5. User Guide

The installation should work in any Ubuntu/Kubuntu installation superior to 16.10. It is assumed that you are running an x86_64 version.

The following setup prepares to run the SOO framework in a QEMU-based emulated environment. There is a file called build.conf in the agency/ directory which specifies the target platform. After a fresh clone, build.conf is configured for QEMU virt32 platform.

Additionally, the virt32 target is also configured with TrustZone support.

5.1. Pre-requisite

5.1.1. Additional packages

We need to run some i386 executables, and we need to install some i386 libraries too.

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
sudo apt-get install lib32z1-dev
sudo apt-get install zlib1g:i386

Various other packages are required:

sudo apt-get install pkg-config libgtk2.0-dev bridge-utils
sudo apt-get install unzip bc
sudo apt-get install elfutils u-boot-tools
sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
sudo apt-get install fdisk
sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev openssl

The OP-TEE environment requires the following python packages:

pip3 install pycryptodome
sudo apt install python3-pyelftools

The following packets are not mandatory, but they can be installed to prevent annoying warnings:

sudo apt-get install bison flex

5.1.2. SO3 Git submodule

SO3 is used as hypervisor (AVZ) and for MEs. It is defined as a sub-module in the main SOO repository.

To clone the submodule, do:

git submodule update --init

Actually, the SO3 version for SOO includes additional files and a piece of modified files specific to the SOO environment. A build script is used to create symbolic links to original SO3 files as well as to SOO-related files stored in ME/soo/so3.

Go to the ME/work directory and execute the build.sh in order to build the SOO specific SO3 environment.

It may take a while since the script create symlinks to all SO3 files.


Do not modify SO3 files which are not stored in ME/soo/so3 since these files come from the submodule. Go rather to Github SO3 page and make an issue if modifications concern standalone SO3 or simply copy the original file in ME/soo/so3 to make changes which are SOO-specific.

5.1.3. Toolchain

The AArch-32 (ARM 32-bit) toolchain can be installed with the following commands:

$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/toolchains && cd /opt/toolchains
# Download and extract arm-none-linux-gnueabihf toolchain (gcc v11.3.1).
$ sudo wget https://snapshots.linaro.org/gnu-toolchain/11.3-2022.06-1/arm-linux-gnueabihf/gcc-linaro-11.3.1-2022.06-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
$ sudo tar xf gcc-linaro-11.3.1-2022.06-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
$ sudo rm gcc-linaro-11.3.1-2022.06-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
$ sudo mv gcc-linaro-11.3.1-2022.06-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf arm-linux-gnueabihf_11.3.1
$ sudo echo 'export PATH="${PATH}:/opt/toolchains/arm-linux-gnueabihf_11.3.1/bin"' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/02-toolchains.sh

For the 64-bit version (virt & RPi4), the AArch-64 (ARM 64-bit) toolchain can be installed with the following commands:

$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/toolchains && cd /opt/toolchains
# Download and extract arm-none-linux-gnueabihf toolchain (gcc v10.2).
$ sudo wget https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu/11.3.rel1/binrel/arm-gnu-toolchain-11.3.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz
$ sudo tar xf arm-gnu-toolchain-11.3.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz
$ sudo rm arm-gnu-toolchain-11.3.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz
$ sudo mv arm-gnu-toolchain-11.3.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu aarch64-none-linux-gnu_11.3
$ echo 'export PATH="${PATH}:/opt/toolchains/aarch64-none-linux-gnu_11.3/bin"' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/02-toolchains.sh

5.2. Basic Components

Currently, the framework contains all what is required to get a full functional environment. It includes the QEMU emulator, ARM TrustZone components, U-boot bootlader, etc.

5.2.1. QEMU

QEMU is in version 8.0.0. The source code is fetched and patched in order to have framebuffer and mouse/keyboard support with the virt machine.

To fetch, patch and build QEMU, execute the following commands:

cd qemu/
./configure --target-list=arm-softmmu,aarch64-softmmu --disable-attr --disable-werror --disable-docs
make -j $(nproc)

It may take some time, be patient! It builds QEMU to support both virt32 and virt64 platforms as defined in the SOO environment.

5.2.3. OTEE_OS (Open Trusted Execution Environment)

cd optee_os
./build.sh OPTEE TA (Trusted Applications)

The optee_ta/ directory contains our trusted applications used to cipher/uncipher the ME, discovery beacons, etc.

cd optee_ta

5.2.4. U-boot

The bootloader used by SOO is U-boot. In the sub-directory, there are also various environment files used by the bootloader.

From 2019, the build system of agency and MEs is strongly based upon U-boot ITB binary files which contain all necessary components. Not only the SOO Agency is entirely contained in an ITB file, but also the Mobile Entities (MEs) which are produced as that.

The compilation of U-boot is done with the following config and commands (from the soo directory):

cd u-boot
make virt32_defconfig
make -j8

The following configurations are available:




Basic QEMU/virt 32-bit platform


QEMU/virt 64-bit platform


Raspberry Pi 4 in 32-bit mode


Raspberry Pi 4 in 64-bit mode


Raspberry Pi / CM4 module in 64-bit mode

5.3. SOO Components

5.3.1. Agency

This section presents the different components which are required to be built in the agency/ directory. Different configurations are possible. Target platforms

The file build.conf in the root directory contains the PLATFORM to select the target platform.

Possible platforms and types are:




Basic QEMU/virt 32-bit platform


QEMU/virt 64-bit platform


Raspberry Pi 4 in 32-bit mode


Raspberry Pi 4 in 64-bit mode


Raspberry Pi / CM4 module in 64-bit mode AVZ Hypervisor

Since avz is based on SO3, it will be compiled from the source available in so3/so3 thanks to the ./build.sh script availabe in avz directory.

Building avz first requires to prepare the configuration as the following example for the virt64 platform:

~$ cd avz
~/avz$ ./build.sh virt64_avz_pv_soo_defconfig
`/avz$ ./build.sh

In this example, the hypervisor is configured to support paravirtualized SOO enabled guest.

Executing the script without argument leads to a full build of avz.

To clean the avz directory properly, the -c option is availabe:

~/avz$ ./build.sh -c Linux kernel

To build the Linux kernel of the Agency, move to the kernel root directory linux/linux.

Using make is the simplest way to build the kernel after configuring adequatly, as example for the virt64 platform:


The -j20 option assumes you can use 20 CPU cores to make the build with parallel execution.

~$ cd linux/linux
~/linux/linux$ make virt64_defconfig
~/linux/linux$ make -j20 Main root filesystem (rootfs)

In the code below, you have to replace MYARCH with the selected architecture. All available configurations (*_defconfig) are placed in the configs/ directory.

  • If the chosen architecture is virt32, MYARCH should be virt32.

  • If the chosen architecture is Raspberry Pi 4: MYARCH should be rpi4 .

  • etc.

The following commands first retrieve all packages in a first step, then it compiles everything. It may take quite a long time… Be patient!

From the agency’s directory:

cd linux/rootfs
make MYARCH_defconfig
make source
make Initial ramfs (initrd) filesystem

In the agency, there is an initrd filesystem which is embedded in the ITB image file. In order to access the content of this initrd, a script in agency/rootfs is available. For example, to access the content of the virt32 board:

cd linux/rootfs
./mount_initrd.sh virt32
cd fs

Unmounting the filesystem is done with:

cd linux/rootfs
./umount_initrd.sh virt32 Agency user applications

In addition to the rootfs, the Agency has its own applications that can be found in linux/usr. The build system of this part relies on CMake. The build is achieved with the following script:

cd linux/usr
./build.sh Agency filesystem

Once all main Agency components have been built, they will be put in a virtual disk image as it is possible to attach such a virtual SD-Card storage device with QEMU). The virtual storage is created in filesystem/ directory and will contain all the necessary partitions.

The creation of the virtual disk image is done as follows:

cd filesystem
./create_img.sh virt32 Deployment into the storage device

Finally, the deployment of all Agency components (including the bootloader in some configurations) is achieved with the following script (option -a for all) located at the root directory:

./deploy.sh -a

The script has different options (try simply ./deploy.sh to get all options).

Yeahhh!… Now it is time to make a try by launching the SOO Agency with the following script, in the root/ directory.


The script will launch QEMU with the correct options and the Agency should start with the AVZ hypervisor and the Linux environment. You should get a prompt entitled:

`agency ~ #`

5.3.2. Mobile Entity (ME)

For a quick test, it is proposed to build and to deploy the SOO.refso3 reference Mobile Entity. ME Build

The main MEdirectory is amazingly ME at the root. However, the source code is located in so3/ directory since it is based on this operating system.

Basically, a ME is constituted of its kernel (based on SO3 Operating System), a device tree and eventually a rootfs used as ramfs (the rootfs is embedded in the ME image itself, hence the ITB file). ME build script

The ME can be build using the build.sh script found in ME directory. This script takes 3 arguments 2 of which a mandatory and an optional one.


Build ME
-k    build kernel only
-u    build user apps only
-ku   build kernel and apps

Clean ME
Usage: ./build.sh -c <ME_NAME> <OTPIONAL_CONFIG>

ME_NAME can be one of the following:
- SOO.agency
- SOO.blind
- SOO.ledctrl
- SOO.net
- SOO.outdoor
- SOO.refso3
- SOO.wagoled

OPTIONAL_CONFIG can be one of the following:
- refso3_ramfs

./build.sh -k SOO.refso3
./build.sh -ku SOO.refso3 refso3_ramfs
  • The OPTIONS argument allow you to build just the kernel -k, just the user space -u or both -ku. The -c option clean up the build.

  • The ME_NAME argument allow you to select which ME you want too build. You must use the SOO.<ME_NAME> syntax.

  • The OPTIONAL_CONFIG allow you to select a specific config for an ME if more than one exist. See Examples above.

The build output <ME_NAME>.itb will be put inside the ME/SOO.<ME_NAME> folder which will be created if it doesn’t already exists. Final Deployment

To deploy the newly built ME in the third partition of (virtual) SD-card use the deploy.sh script found in the root folder.

./deploy.sh -m SOO.<ME_NAME> ME Injection from the Agency

It’s time to test the new ME in the running environment. To do that, simply start the framework. The agency process which is started automatically will inspect the contents of /mnt/ME directory and load all available itb files.