ME access logical block

The ME access logical block provides facilities to acess the ME descriptor, state and all information related to MEs. ME ID

The Migration Manager provides an API that can be used to retrieve the following information related to each present mobile entity in the current smart object:

  • SPID

  • Short name (like “SOO.blind”)

  • Short description (a maximum 1024-byte free text)

The following fonction can be used either in the kernel or in the user space via the AGENCY_IOCTL_GET_ME_ID_ARRAY ioctl syscall.

void get_ME_id_array(ME_id_t *ME_id_array)


The caller must allocate an array of <ME_id_t> elements. The number of elements corresponds to MAX_ME_DOMAINS. XML formatted message for ME ID

The following function can be used to retrieve a well-formated XML message which will be compatible with the table UI application.

The caller must allocate a buffer with a sufficient size. Only ME in state different than ME_state_dead will appear in the generated XML message.